End of Daze Issue No. 2

One of the passion projects I have been working on is End of Daze - an adventure driven photo-zine. I am very excited to share the latest issue with the world!

This issue features excellent art by Haley Williams (@hopscotchseattle, hopscotchseattle.com), photo journalism by DeArmond Lopez (@premiumdrifter, dearmondlopezphoto.com), Dylan Ramsey (@dylan_m0ntanta), and an article by Erik of Earth.

Copies are being distributed around cafes, bike shops, and community areas around Santa Fe. Or, reach out and request a copy be mailed out. Copies are disappearing fast, so act quickly! Currently, the zine is 100% free, but a distribution system is in the works and there could be a small shipping and handling fee in the future.

A few snippets from the zine are shared below for your viewing pleasure.


Dancing in the Desert


A Day and A Night in TRC